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Senegal vs Colombia Match Preview, Soccer Prediction and Betting Tips

The Senegalese are the only remaining African team after Nigeria got eliminated at the hands of Argentina, so they are carrying the hopes of millions of Africans as they head into this match.

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They started their campaign on a bright note after beating group favourites Poland 2-1, they would have qualified easily with a win their second game, but they let themselves down by allowing the Japanese to come back and score them each time they went ahead to end the game 2-2. They now have their work cut out as they try to reach the next round, however, a draw is all they need to progress.

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Colombia were expected to still perform their heroics of Brazil 2014 in this competition, but their group stage games started on a poor note. They lost 2-1 to Japan in their opening game, thanks in part to them going a man and a goal down in the first five minutes. They battled hard and almost got a draw in that game before the Koreans took advantage of being a man up to win 2-1.

They turned on the style in their next game to beat Poland 3-0, they need to win this game to stand any chance of making it to the next round where they would face England or Belgium.

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