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How to invest your bet winnings Part two


We continue our series of articles on how to properly invest your bet winnings as we know that if you don’t invest your winnings, you may not enjoy betting for long.

In the first series we covered investment strategies like trading forex, paying of your debts and investing in education, here we cover even better ways to make good use of your earnings, read on to learn more.

  1. Buy Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins

It is no longer news that Cryptocurrencies are one of the highest yielding investments of our time. However, despite the surge in its value several people are still yet to invest in the virtual currency.

Take some part of your earnings and invest in Crytos as the value is almost guaranteed to continue surging as we enter into an era dominated by cashless policies.

However, before you invest make sure you take your time to study and enquire about the individual or agency you are investing with as the anonymity associated with the trade has made it hard to track down fake dealers.

If you are not too confident in putting your investment in Cryptos, I would still encourage you to invest the little that is left after you must have invested in other businesses you are confident in.

If you find Bitcoin too expensive, you can invest in other small digital currencies like Ethereum and Litecoin.


  1. Put some up in Fixed deposits

Whenever there is money in your hands you would be tempted to spend it and that includes all your betting earnings. One of the best ways to make sure you don’t fall for the temptations to spend all your earnings is to put some up in a ffixed deposit account for a period of time.

Usually, the best value is in keeping your money for a longer time. Try to save some of your earning in  a fix deposit for up to a year. I know there would be temptations to go and spend the money and other emergencies may come up, just take your mind off that particular money and you would be glad you did when the time comes for you to get your capital and interest

  1. Invest in a retirement fund

Even If you work for an employer, it is still advisable for you to have a personal retirement fund and your betting winnings would serve you better if you use it to plan for a better future for you and your family.

Almost every employee has to wait for retirement to come and some even still do not have enough when they retire at the age of 65+. However, when you are able to invest some of your earnings in a personal retirement fund every time you win, you would also give yourself an opportunity to retire early.

  1. Invest in building your own skills

Skills rule the world at the moment. The streets are filled with graduates who barely make enough to take care of themselves let alone their family also.

But there is always room to make money for those who are skilled and even better is to train yourself well enough to become an expert.

Every time you spend some of your earnings in building your skillsets, you are giving yourself a chance to have a better future and to be able to take advantage of the opportunities that would come your way in the future.

  1. Start a Sports betting consultancy agency

Winning your bet for the first time could be since as an accident, but when you continually win and feel you are now an expert at beating the bookmakers then you should consider starting a betting agency that would teach me people just how you manage to always pick the right bet.

With the help of the internet, you would need far less money, all you need would be a smart phone, laptop and the ability to use social media to offer your expertise. If you have enough cash, you can build a website, but it is not a requirement.

With the betting industry growing at a very rapid rate, if you start providing your services now, you would position yourself as an industry leader in the next couple of years.

  1. Buy a landed property

Buying landed properties is one of the best investments you can make. We all know that the value of lands almost only appreciates as time goes on.

Take some part of your earnings and buy either lands or buildings. If your earnings are not big enough to buy properties in the main cities, buy in the outskirt of the city, with time development would make that area very valuable.

There are several ways to spend your earnings after a big win, but the decision you can make to avoid future regrets is to invest your cash.

However, before investing, make sure to study the investment you are about to put your funds into so that you can avoid losing all your money to fraudulent or bad investments.


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