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England vs Belgium Match Preview, Soccer Prediction and Betting Tips

This game would be one of the most exciting as it is one of the most anticipated matches of this competition.

England and Belgium have already qualified, but we expect them to both still field a strong team as they attempt to top the group at the expense of the other team.

This English team is arguably the first time an English team has not been overrated or overhyped before a major competition. Gareth Southgate has built a cohesive team and they are as exciting as they are productive on the field of play.

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England started their campaign with a hard-fought 2-1 win over Tunisia, however, in their second game against Panama they were so devastating it looked as if they would end the game with double figures.

They were 5-0 at the break and eventually won 6-1 to top the group ahead of Belgium.

Belgium are also a talent-filled attacking team. They started by beating Panam 3-0 in their first match before rolling over Tunisia 5-2 in their next game. This would be the first time they would face genuine oppositions in this competition and we expect them to put up a good fight.

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Romelu Lukaku has hit four goals in this competition already and he would be looking to add to that figure when this game has ended.

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