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Comolli: Henry was not sure about buying Suarez for Liverpool

comolli: henry not sure about buying suarez

Liverpool’s former director of football, Damien Comolli, said it took a lot of convincing to get the club to sign Luis Suarez. Suarez was highly rated at Ajax before he moved to the Reds.

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The Uruguayan forward did have disciplinary issues even at that stage of his career.

Comolli, who was fired from his job in April 2013, played a huge role in the club acquiring Suarez and Andy Caroll after Fernando Torres was sold to Chelsea.

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Speaking to The Telegraph, Comolli revealed: “You have to remind people you are doing a good job, and you need to manage up.

“You need to constantly sell your project and keep the ownership on board. I was useless at it. Which sporting director gets fired after winning the [League] Cup and being in the FA Cup final with no money?

“I had to convince John Henry [FSG principal owner] to lend money to buy Luis Suarez. We were skint. We won the first trophy since 2006, and I got fired.

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“If I was good at communicating up and outwards, I don’t know if I would still be in a job, [but] I would have been in a different situation.”

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