Understanding what it takes to become a professional in betting

Although many individuals bet just for the fun of doing so and some others bet for entertainment purposes, there a few people who are serious about betting and would like to make a fortune from their betting career. In this article we share what you need to know about becoming a professional in betting. Anyone who wants to make it as a bettor professionally knows that it requires a lot of patience and dedication to the goal. Beating the bookmakers as a career would require more than getting enough funds to invest and building a knowledge base for a sport you want to bet in. You might have the information that is unknown to others, have a refined staking method that you feel has been tested and proven, yet still not be a professional bettor yet, read further to see what it takes to be a successful betting professional. Your staking method is very important Betting for a living does not mean you would make money at all times. Even the most successful and “skilful” bettors still place losing bets at some points. What you can do is to use a staking method that would see your money being used in the most efficient way. Without the right staking method, you could create the best model and maybe start getting good results even, but with time you would lose your edge. Understanding the value of information Bookmakers usually buy information before setting their odds, and make adjustments accordingly also when information changes. Betting professionals may predict the outcome of games based on their skills, but they also make use of information that is at their disposal which no one else may have. Information like key players missing, weather condition, or previous records at a certain stadium could affect the outcome of games. Professional bettors use a combination of their skills and these information to place their bets. Betting is not just about knowing how to predict Although having an edge and the right staking method may maximise your profitability as a bettor, you would need to be able to predict the outcome of a sport event and determine if it has a potential positive value,  before your staking method would be of any good to you. The biggest mistake amateur bettors make is trying to bet on any and everything because they think it is all about being able to predict. Rather than betting on every sport, you would do better if you focus on one game. Most times niche markets like under/over market in soccer, and the NBA betting is very profitable despite bookmakers thinking they have a foothold on the market. Choosing the sport to bet on As we have stated before, becoming a betting professional requires finding an edge over the bookmakers in any sport you decide to bet on. But the truth is some sport would be easier than the others for any individual who hopes to forge a career in betting. With the information on Matchplug blog like understanding how Handicap betting works in different sports, you would be able to decide the best type or sports to bet on. Measuring success in betting The best way to know if you’ve been successful in betting is to compare your betting endeavour with the closing line – the closest odds to your calculation before an event. When you continually test the outcome of your strategy against the closing line of your bookmakers, you’d eventually eliminate the place of luck. Analysing your own results over time, cannot be overlooked if you want to be a professional bettor. Betting with the right bookmaker It may be hard to become an expert in a particular market, using the right staking method, and developing a good betting strategy, however it is also just as difficult to find the right bookmaker for you. To become a successful bettor who makes enough money to bet full time, you need to consistently use a bookmaker who offers the highest odds. You would also have to be betting as much as you want, so using a bookmaker that gives the highest limit is also important as you would not want to be limited in any way. You would also do well to bet with a bookmaker that has no restriction on those who make too much money betting. Some other rules that you should abide by after the above include: Don’t let your emotions get in the way of your betting, don’t fall for randomness, and don’t ever bet with any cash that you would not want to lose.

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Why Patience is key to success in betting

People typically feel all that it takes to be a successful bettor is to stake more money in more games so that you can increase your chances of winning. While that may be true in some cases, it is far from the whole truth. To become successful, bettors need to work hard, stay disciplined, and learn as fast as possible. Patience is also required, even though it is an underrated part of betting. This article explains why it is important for bettors to be patient. Why patience is a virtue for bettors Patience which is the capacity to tolerate delays is one of the most overlooked parts of becoming successful in betting. However, in an activity like betting that is prone to random outcomes and luck, being patient can only be overlooked to the detriment of a bettor. The Law of Large Numbers is the best way to explain how vital patience is to betting, because of its principle of the probability distribution. In betting, this is merely the probability that a coin would land on its head or tail. At some point in time with continual tossing, the coin toss would even out. It is the same situation with betting because at some point the random nature of betting and luck would even out if the bettor has a more significant edge than the margin of the bookmaker. The key now is to be patient enough not to restrict the sample size.   The role of cognitive bias Even if bettors are well versed in the common traps other unsuccessful bettors fall into, and know that they can make money if they wait long enough, cognitive bias can still interfere with their reasoning and ruin their chances of winning. However, with patience, bettors can refrain from making rational and impulsive betting decisions, and make more calculated and informed betting decisions.   Long-term success vs. Short term gain Hyperbolic discounting is one of the significant cognitive biases that patience can help bettors control. This cognitive bias is the tendency of a bettor to choose quick payoff over a bigger gain that could take a more extended period to achieve. The best expression of this notion is looking at a bettor’s staking method. Most bettors would usually favor betting with all their money at once to get a huge instant win, even if there are obvious risks to them losing all their bankroll. These bettors would use staking methods that would see them continually lose money betting, with the hopes of recouping all their previous stakes. However, the patient bettor would use any of the fixed or proportional staking methods that reduce risk, and could even eliminate it entirely, despite having to wait for long to win.   Technology and its impact on our patience Technology has many good sides, but its ability to make us acquire our needs and goods quickly may not be all positive. With the touch of a button, we can now order a pizza or a taxi, we no longer have to leave our houses to shop, and so we can spend more time in our comfort zone while still getting things done. These advancements in technology have created a desire for instant gratification that has also found its way into the world of betting. Bettors are now provided with endless ways of placing a bet without breaking a sweat, and more importantly, for bookmakers, they can now take advantage of the minimal thoughts most bettors put into their betting decisions and offer curated bets in the form of “best bets,” and “most popular bets” etc.   Wait for what you know In conclusion, bettors who want to be successful cannot afford not to be patient and see the bigger picture. If you bet with a positive expected value, but find out you are suffering some losses, just know that this is just a progression of losses in a larger sample that would ultimately be profitable. Betting is all about detecting favourable expected values, having an understanding of margins, and having an edge over your bookmaker so that you can tell how much your bet is costing you. But you have to combine your winning strategy with patience if you want to get your desired result. Unlike the lottery, in betting, you don’t become rich overnight.

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How Handicap Betting works in different Sports

Most bettors avoid handicap betting due to its complicated outlook. However, Handicap betting offers an excellent opportunity for a bettor to win by providing balance in the chances of either team winning a game with a positive or negative number, known as the handicap. Handicap Betting Explained A handicap is a figure that a bookmaker sets in other to even up both team’s chances of winning a match. A negative handicap is usually set to the favourite team for them to overcome before they can win, while a positive handicap is set to the underdog, acting as a head start. Handicap betting has the same premise across all sports, however, because of the differences in rules, and the way each game is played, knowing how it applies to each sport is critical. Handicap betting in soccer Because of how low scoring a sports soccer is, it requires a very refined predictive skill to predict the winner correctly in handicap betting. Rather than just betting on which team would win a match, soccer handicap betting is a bet on how the two sides would perform. Goals are used to present handicap figures, so if a team is -2.5, they would need to win by more than two clear goals for the handicap bet to win. On the other hand, a stake of +1.5 on their opposition would win if they lose by one goal, drew the match, or won. One wise thing to do is to track handicap performances over the course of a football league season, but when it would become beneficial to bettors is when historical handicap performance data is being compiled. However, many teams could fail to cover the handicap in their games, which shows that both the public perceptions and bookmakers’ estimations could be wrong. Handicap betting in NFL Handicap betting in the NFL is popularly called “the spread”. When a team is said to have covered the spread, it means the handicap on them has been won. In NFL betting, the handicap is the most famous form. It is usually the market choice for most NFL bettors because, although bettors have to be more accurate to win, it offers the highest odds for the favourite team winning or a higher chance of an underdog getting a win. Some key numbers are very crucial when it comes to handicap betting in the NFL; this is because of the scoring patterns and points system. A field goal and a touchdown which both carry extra conversion points (seven and three respectively) are the most common winning margins, which makes any negative or positive handicap below or above these marks invaluable. To help make more informed NFL betting decisions, bettors can use the Pythagorean Theorem or yards per play rankings to develop strategies. Handicap Betting in MLB Run Line is the term used to describe handicap betting in baseball. The handicap in baseball is consistently set at 1.5 at all times, and this is unlike in other sports where it varies. If a team is -1.5, they need to win by two runs, and if they are +1.5, they can lose one run or win the match.  In baseball, bettors do have the luxury of an alternative handicap which helps them increase or decrease the Run Line. Handicap betting in baseball is also significantly affected by stadium dimensions and the weather. If a team is a favourite to win and weather conditions suit a high scoring game, the favourite team may win by more runs. In the same vein, a lower-ranked side could match a better team if the conditions favour them. Handicap Betting in Basketball Just like in the NFL, basketball bettors prefer to bet in the handicap over Money Line. There are no key numbers in basketball as in other sports, because of the low-value points system and high scoring frequency. Things to consider when betting in basketball include the impact of injuries on the team’s strength, how much impact scheduling can have on performance and statistics that can help identify mismatches. You could also use ATS records to determine which teams are undervalued in the betting Market. Handicap Betting in Tennis Tennis handicap is unique in that there are two options within a game. Although they can bet in Totals or Money Line, bettors have the option of betting in a set handicap or a game handicap. A game handicap is calculated using the total number of games each player wins, while in the sets handicap, bettors can bet on a player to win the set or not.   While handicap betting in sports is relatively simple to grasp, bettors need to develop a more specific knowledge if they want to have the edge over the bookmakers.

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Common Mistakes Most Bettors Make and How to Avoid Them

Despite the abundance of betting resources, most bettors still fall into some traps that set them up for failure in betting. In this article, we take a look at some fundamental mistakes bettors make that hinders their success.   Not Understanding Cognitive Bias Many at times we assume that we control all of our thoughts and actions. But psychologists and behavioral economists know better about certain biases that make that assumption untrue. One of such biases that apply to betting is confirmation bias – which states that we are drawn to the evidence that suggests the bet we are making is the right one while disregarding every other evidence that proves otherwise. Anchoring is another bias that affects bettors – we tend to rely on the first piece of information offered to us. This tendency is terrible because things could change drastically within short moments. Not thinking objectively could cloud bettor’s judgments and lead to betting decisions that are not based on critical thinking, but instead of shallow opinions. Even though Bettors may not be able to control cognitive biases, failing to acknowledge them is a terrible mistake.   Not Understanding the Concept of Value Most bettors think the value is choosing a team on a long winning streak against another team who have been losing games, that is not precisely correct. Value has to do with having an understanding of what betting odds is all about, which involves you making your probable estimations, and turning them into odds which you would check against the bookmakers’. Value is, therefore, the use of data like expected goals and previous results to form a closer prediction than what the bookmaker is offering. It is more than just an opinion.   Choosing the Wrong Bookmaker Just like in other industries, bettors are being offered the services of an almost unlimited number of bookmakers. But, all bookmakers are not the same, and bettors could easily choose the wrong ones. Most bookmakers offer free bets, but what many bettors don’t know is that to provide these free bets, the bookmakers would have to increase their margins which automatically affects the odds being offered to you. These types of bookmakers usually lure unsuspecting bettors with smart marketing campaigns, but they would never allow you to win to a certain degree. If you continue to earn week-in, week-out, these bookmakers would limit your account or even close it down completely. Don’t fall the trap of choosing a bookmaker because they are offering you free bets.   Betting without a Staking Method If you want to be successful as a Bettor, you need to have the edge over the bookmaker. That edge could be your knowledge of key team absentees in a soccer game, the weather in an NFL match, or any other potential change the bookmaker would be unaware of when setting their odds. According to Pinnacle Betting, staking method is a method of calculating the appropriate amount of money to place on a bet for consistent profit making as part of a betting strategy. Although there is nothing wrong with putting all your money at once in a bet, if you fail to manage your money while betting, you could end up with no money left to bet, regardless of the amount of money you started betting with. Putting so much on a bet never guarantees a consistent profit. Focusing on losses One of the biggest reasons why bettors fail in betting is a cognitive bias called – loss aversion. Loss aversion is simply the preference for avoiding losing situations over a potential gain. This cognitive bias is made more relevant by the misconception that competent bettors don’t lose money betting. This is just untrue, good bettors do lose money, but they may not lose as often as bad bettors, and they usually use a staking method to avoid losing all their money.   No matter how good your method is, the unpredictability of games’ outcomes means you could be on the losing side once in a while. Thinking about losses is one mistake bettors should avoid at all cost. Betting Unintentionally Betting has to be deliberate if you want to make money out of it. If you are betting just for entertainment purposes, then you can bet at any time when it is convenient for you. However, as a Bettor with profit in mind, you should only bet when you have made your calculations and are convinced that you have an edge. With the easy access to betting tips, online betting, and mobile betting, it is incredibly easy to place a bet. However, bettors who want to make money have to avoid all these temptations and focus on betting only when they are ready to bet. Good Bettors avoid placing bets on games because they are on TV or because a betting app has sent them a notification about enormous odds on certain games, they bet when they intend to.    

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an infographic explaining how to win more football bet

Football Betting Formula 2018 {Infographic}

Interested in learning the football betting formula to winning more bets? Then you will love this football betting infographic we put together. In this masterpiece, you will find information on all aspect of football betting. Some of the things you will learn include: 1. What football betting really means 2. Some important betting statistics 3. Some betting terms you need to be familiar with 4. Top betting mistakes punters make 5 Top tips to help you win more bets   Interested? Check out the infographic below.         What is football betting? Football betting is the process of predicting the result of a football match and placing a bet (wager) on the outcome of the match     Football Betting Statistics Every Punter 84% of adult in the USA has placed a bet once in their lifetime In 2016, more than 1.93 billion euros was generated through football betting alone in Europe The online gaming market is forecasted to increase to 59.79 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. Global sports betting is worth $3trillion with Nigerians spending more than 1.8b on sport betting daily   Football Betting Terms: Odds- Refers to a price where the odds are less than evens (fractional) or 2 (decimal) Point spread – The predicted scoring differential between two opponents as quoted by a sports book. Price- betting odds Accumulator – A series of bets on multiple outcomes, all outcomes must be successful for the Punter to win the bet Handicap -A system used by bookmakers to make a one-sided event become a more attractive betting proposition to the punter.   Top Football Betting Mistakes to Avoid Always Always bet cautiously Not using any methodology when it comes to betting Not choosing the right bookmarker Not understanding how betting works Trying to win a lot of money with so little money Betting more than you can afford to lose Betting on emotions Not doing research before you start betting   10 Tips to Win more Football Bets   Have account with different bookmakers Always Play over 2.5 goals for these teams Beware of scams Know your team inside out The favorite may not always win The fewer selections, the better Be data driven- always record and analyze your bets Never bet more than you can lose Have a specific account for betting Be patient   Love this betting infographic? Credit to Match gains and MatchPlug for putting thistogetherr.   Share this on your website or drop your opinion in the comment. Share this Image On Your Site </p><br /><br /> <p><strong>Please include attribution to https://www.matchplug.com with this graphic.</strong></p><br /><br /> <p><a href=’https://www.matchplug.com/blog/betting-infographic-how-to-win-more-football-bets/’><img src=’http://www.matchplug.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/how-to-win-more-bets.jpg’ alt=’how to win more bets’ 540px border=’0′ /></a></p><br /><br /> <p>

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New England Patroits vs Miami Dolphins NFL Tips, Betting Tips, Free Betting Tips

After a two games road trip the New England Patroits return home to host the Miami Dophins. They won their last game against Denver and would be looking to get another win here. Their 33-8 win over the Raiders on Sunday guaranteed them a finish of .500 for the 17th straight season,that sees them tie the Cleveland Browns (1957-73) for the second longest streak to the Dallas Cowboys with 21 straight seasons (1965-85). This is the 104th time Miami Dolphins will square up against the ew England Patriots, and they have been foes in the same division for 52 years. Last season it was Patriots who won the season series for a 10th time after they won 31-24 at the Gillette Stadium on Sept. 18 that was followed by a 35-14 victory at Miami on 1st of Jan. in the regular-season finale. The win at Miami last season ended a run of three loses against the Dolphins in Miami. ahead of this game, the Patriots have the upper hand at home against Miami, as they hold a 33-17 record in games played in New England, these includes a 13-2 record at Gillette Stadium.

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Atlanta Falcons vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers NFL Betting Tips, NFL Odds

As they host the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (4-6), the Atlanta Falcons (6-4) would be going for their third straight win.  They enter the Sunday game as large favourites after their 34-31 road victory over the Seatle Seahawks on Monday night, a game were Blair Walsh missed a potential game tying field-goal for the Seahawks. Atlanta has lost 3 of their last 4 meetings with the Buccaneers straight up against the spread. The Falcons have averaged over 30 points in winning their last two games, and they would be playing their next three games at home, winning all is a must if they want to make it to the post season. Tampa Bay head into this first meeting between these two sides on the back of a two-games winning streak which followed a 5 games winning streak. Jameis Winston remains injured, but Ryan Fitzpatrick is available and has been a capable backup option so far. Their record of three wins from their last four meetings should give them confidence ahead of this matchup.    

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Monaco vs Paris Saint Germain Soccer Tips, Match predictions, and Betting Tips

AS Monaco host PSG in this game as they look to stop falling 9 points behind the Ligue 1 leaders. The French league defending champions look desperately out of depth and lost 4-1 at home to in the Champions League to RB Leipzig on Tuesday, a result that would have seen their morale drop down further. That loss was their 4th in their last ten games, and they have only three wins from those games. Their defence seem very leaky at the moment as they have conceded a large number of goals recently and should be a cause of worry for Leornado Jardim with the PSG attacking line up scoring goals with reckless abandon. PSG would be looking to extend their lead at the top of the Ligue 1 table when they visit AS Monaco in this game, and Neymar and Co. are more likely to secure the win here than any other result based on their current form. They come into this game on the back of a 5 match unbeaten run, and they also won all those matches, the last of which was the 7-1 drubbing of Celtic in midweek. Although their season has gone smoothly, they have had to work harder on their travels as they have dropped points twice in their last five away matches in the league. The last head to head meeting between them was won by PSG 2-1 in the French Super Cup, and that could still be the case here.  

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Real Madrid vs Malaga Match Predictions, Soccer tips

With Barcelona already holding a 10 points advantage over them in La Liga, Real Madrid would be looking to get their league season on track as soon as possible. The Los Merenges showed how lethal they can be in their midweek Champions League clash against APOEL as they ran out 0-6 winners in Cyprus. Their fans would be hoping they can take that form into La Liga this weekend. They should see off a Malaga side that has been dreadful this season and only left the foot of the league table after winning at Depor the last time out. Madrid have not been the most potent in the final third as they have scored only 1.83 goals in La Liga this season, and 0ver 80% of their matches this season has ended in under 3.5 goals. Malaga on the other hand have lost all their 7 away games this season and are the only team in La Liga who have not gotten an away point. However, their fixtures list has not been very favourable as they would have travelled to all of last season’s top five including Valencia after this game. More than 60% of their games this season have seen them lose without even scoring, and that should make it appealing to give Real Madrid the win. With Madrid coming from a 0-6 away win, they should see off Malaga in this game. Madrid to win by over 2 goals is a good tip for this game.

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football betting tips

The Ultimate Betting Tips Guide

How do you win more football bets?   This ultimate football betting resource introduces you to the best football tips and how-tos.   This guide contains several handpicked resources to help you understand what sports betting is, improve your betting skills and ultimately win more sports bets.   This guide will be updated frequently and regularly so bookmark this page.   Are you ready for some great football betting win?   Here is what you need to do: Register on matchplug.com Visit this site regularly for more tips, news and information Follow us on our social media pages to be the first to know of the best and latest information       Introducing: The Ultimate Football Betting Tips Book   To use this resource, simply click on any chapter you are interested in or to get the best value, follow the chapters one after the other.   Chapter 1: Introduction to Football Betting ( What is Sports Betting) Chapter 2: The Complete Guide to Sport Glossary Chapter 3: Understanding Betting Odds Chapter 4: How to Place Sports Bets Online Chapter 5: How do Bookmakers Make Money Chapter 6: How Sports Betting Works Chapter 7: Top Football Betting Tips for Tipsters Chapter 8: How to Make Money on Sports Betting Chapter 9: How to Improve Your Betting Skills     Ready?   Let’s dive in.   Chapter 1: Introduction to Football Betting ( What is Sports Betting)    New to sports betting? Then you need to read this first chapter. This chapter explains what sports betting is and everything you need to know about sports betting. It contains resources that explains the basis of sport betting and how you can get started with football betting   Sports Betting | Wikipedia The Basis of Sports Betting | Thoughtco Sports Betting Explained | Online-Betting     Chapter 2: The Complete Guide to Sport Glossary   Now that you know what football betting is and how it works, the next thing is to understand your terms and phrases to be able to speak the language.  With these resources, you will learn what in-play betting is, what double chance betting is and much more   Sports Betting Terminology | Donbest A Glossary of Betting Terms | Paulaura Betting Glossary | Pinnacle     Chapter 3: Understanding Betting Odds   Ready to start placing your bet? Learn how betting odds works, the different types of betting odds and how to use them to your own advantage.   A Guide to Online Sports Betting | OnlineGambling How Do Odds Work? | PaddyPower How to Read NFL Odds | MadduxSports How Football Odds Works | BestOnlineBookmakers Sports Betting Odds | TheSportsGeek Betting Odds Explained- A Beginner’s Guide to Gambling | MyBettingSites     Chapter 4: How to Place Sports Bets Online In this chapter, you will learn the fundamentals of placing a bet online. You will get to know how to place bet safely and how to choose the best bookmakers.     How to Bet on Sports Online | Gizmodo How to Bet Online – 2017 Guide to Online Betting | GambleOnline How to Place Sports Bets | SportsInteractions     Chapter 5: How do Bookmakers Make Money   Wondering how bookmakers make their money. These 3 resources will tell you everything you need to know about how bookmakers make money. How BookMakers Make Money with Examples | HighTechGambling How Do Bookmakers Set Odds and Make Money | Onlinebetting How Do Bookmakers make Money | ProFootballhandcapping       Chapter 6: How Sports Betting Works   Here is where you learn  how sport betting works. What is handicap betting and what betting lines means Introduction to Football Betting | GoalProfits What is Handicap Soccer Betting | Pinnacle Everything You Need to Know About Betting Lines | Complex         Chapter 7: Top Football Betting Tips for Tipsters   Luck, chance or preparation? These 5 resources give you advanced tips for you to use and win more football betting. You will learn mistake people make when placing bets, how to avoid emotions in betting and when to call it quit either when losing or winning. Beginners Guide to Football Betting | Thefootytipster A Complete Guide to Sports Betting | WePickSports How to Win at Sports Betting in 10 Easy Steps | WalesOnline How to Always Win Football Bets | ProfitAccumulator How to Bet on Sports and Win | BettingExpert     Chapter 8: How to Make Money on Sports Betting   Don’t want to place a bet but still interested in sports betting. Here are some additional ways you can still make money through sports betting.   How to Make Money Betting on Football | ToePunter 3 Ways to Make Money Online Through Sports Betting Without Placing A Single Bet | UnderdogChance Make Money From Sports Betting | OddMonkey       Chapter 9: How to Improve Your Betting Skills This is the most important chapter in this guide. Once you understand what sports betting is and how football betting works, what you need to do next is improve your betting skills.   3 Tips to Improve Soccer Betting Tips | MoneyGossips 50 Super Ways of Improving Your Betting Skills | Practical Punting How to Improve Your Soccer Betting Skills | NowGoals How to Improve Your Soccer Prediction Skills | FootballBettingChampion Staking: Popular Methods to Improve Your Sports Betting | LinkedInPulse   Think there is a resource that we should add to this guide. Email: chris.matchplug@gmail.com  

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