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5 Tips On Winning A Football Prediction Contest


How do you win a football prediction contest?

Every bettor who has practised football prediction has at one point nurtured the dream of winning regularly or hitting a one-time massive payout.  However, because you’re not the only one with this dream it is advised that you step up your game and failproof your plan if you ever want to win against other dedicated bettors.

If you are in a situation where you’re competing to out-predict other bettors apply these 5 tips on winning a football prediction contest – follow a reliable tipster, use data and statistics, examine odds for information on match outcome, analyze a team’s winning chance, and try matched betting.

For the rest of this article, we’ll be breaking down these tips into bits so that you understand how they work and how you can use them in your betting strategy.

Read: 7 Tips for Making Accurate Football Predictions

5 Tips on Winning a Football Prediction Contest

1. Follow a reliable tipster

2. Use data and statistics

3. Examine odds for information on match outcome

4. Analyze a team’s winning chance

5. Try matched betting.

How To Win A Football Prediction Contest

As an avid football fan, winning a football prediction contest is one sure way to turn this passion into a lucrative side gig. 

To win in a prediction contest you should understand the odds better than anyone else, even the bookmakers.

There are a few things you can do to achieve that – enhancing your knowledge of football, converting odds to working probabilities and identifying suitable circumstances for placing a wager is one part of succeeding in this area. 

The second part is applying these 5 tips to win your next football prediction contest.

1. Follow A Reliable Tipster

Following a tipster may not guarantee that you win bets, but it will increase your winning chances and place you in a better position to earn betting payouts.

To find reliable tipsters, search for them on a Football prediction site as they provide more than two tips a day and offer profits after you apply their tips accurately. 

Similarly, the tips these tipsters give you are backed by in-depth research and analysis which increases the chance to find a value bet.

Few betting websites will offer you real money tips before you sign up with them. This means their tipsters are more trustworthy than the ones you’ll find in other places on the internet.

2. Use Data And Statistics

Applying data and statistics is one of the best methods of predicting football matches. Data reveals patterns in how teams perform.

One data to look at is how a team played against the same opponent in previous games. Other things include their home and away records.

Data also helps you understand how a team will play in an upcoming match.

3. Examine Odds For Information On Match Outcome

The majority betting a particular way or backing a team does not mean their opinion is right. However, knowing what the general opinion is on a match can be useful when you want to make insightful picks. The public may know something you don’t.

For example, a quick shift in the odds a day before a big game might mean that a key player is out because they’re injured or ill.

Utilising prominent odds as a beginning point and then optimizing your betting selections as you go is a great strategy for when you don’t know which way to bet.

4. Analyze A Team’s Winning Chance

One very common mistake new bettors often make is picking a favourite team and then placing large wagers on them, without calculating the probability of them winning.

Supporting a team and wagering on them for profits are two different things, and if you want to win money in this Football Prediction business, then you must perform an extensive analysis on them before betting.

Do not make the error of underestimating a team’s opponent just because they are the underdogs. If possible analyze both teams to find out the one with the most chances of winning.

Oh, and one more thing, you might want to cast aside your ”gut feeling” when you’re playing to win a football prediction contest. Your gut feeling may be right to remind you to take an umbrella on a sunny day, but when it comes to making money in football betting, cast aside that feeling. 

If you’re unsure of where to start wagering, do your research first.

5. Try Matched Betting

Matched Betting is a popular strategy used by experienced punters. Here, you use those free bet bonuses provided by online bookmakers and then ‘lay’ off your wager with a betting exchange to ensure a profitable return.

In match result bets, this strategy entails your bet covering a potential outcome of the bet – e.g you back team A win, while the ‘lay’ element covers the other outcome which are you wagering that team A will not win.

When you use Matched Betting you’re playing both sides of an odd and you will get a profit no matter the outcome, even if a team wins or losses.

But, if this strategy does not work for you, you can use Arbitrage Bets too. These types of bets provide winning opportunities after you place a wager, and they offer profit at a five per cent sub-range.

For a case of 100, you might earn five profits. While this doesn’t look like much on paper, in reality, it is pretty simple money.

Just like Matched Betting, Arbitrage bets guarantee you a profit in winning a football prediction contest. And that 5 per cent sub-range means that for any £100 you stake, you will make a profit of £5.

There are several other tips for winning a football prediction contest. However, we hope that the 5 we mentioned in this article have given you a well-rounded understanding of how to predict football matches.

Don’t forget to always research, strive to know more, and have fun when you’re in a football prediction contest.  Good luck!

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