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Mike Green Clears the Air about Sexual Assault Allegations

Marshall edge rusher Mike Green spoke openly 2 at the NFL Scouting Combine about why he departed from Virginia in 2022. He denied two sexual assault allegations, insisting he has “done nothing wrong.”

Green said he was “suspended” from Virginia before transferring to Marshall in 2023, where he led the FBS with 17 sacks in 2024 and and is rated by NFL.com analyst Daniel Jeremiah as the No. 17 prospect in this year’s draft.

Until now, he had never explained the reason for his exit from Virginia. “There’s accusations out there,” Mike Green said. “I’ve never been questioned. I’ve never been asked. You know what I’m saying? Like, nobody ever asked me a question about what happened before I departed from Virginia. It was just accusations that caused me to leave from there.”

When asked about how many accusations he has faced, Green said there were two, one in high school and one “anonymous report” in college.

“As you can see, throughout this process I’ve been rising higher and higher and higher,” he said. “That should tell you everything that you need to know. I’ve been sticking to the process, like I said earlier, and I’ve been telling the truth. I have no concerns and I have no problem with talking to these teams about it because I know who I am and I know the truth.”

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