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Manchester United star set to sign new long term deal despite falling out with Jose Mourinho

Manchester United are not having the most ideal campaign. The Red Devils have lost two straight league games, and are currently enduring their worse start to a Premier League campaign since 1992.

However, they are optimistic about the future and they want to keep hold of their best players no matter the nature of their relationships with Jose Mourinho.

One player who has fallen out with Mourinho and who may struggle to get game time under the former Chelsea boss this season is Anthony Martial, but the French man is not bowing out despite the treatment from his manager.

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Reports claim that Martial is set to sign a new 5 years contract with the Red Devils that would see him net £130k per week because he believes he would outlast the former FC Porto boss.

That would mark a remarkable U-turn for a player who was desperate to leave the club this summer.

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Martial has been relegated to a squad member since the arrival of Alexis Sanchez last winter, and his agent had claimed that they wanted out.

His current deal was supposed to expire in 2020, but an extension would take the 22 years old further into his 30s at Old Trafford now.

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