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Juventus defender Fede Gatti pens new contract

fede gatti pens new contract

Juventus defender Fede Gatti has penned a new contract that’ll run to 2028.

Juve announced today: “We are happy to announce that Fede Gatti has renewed the contract that binds him to Juventus, until June 30, 2028.

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“Fede, purchased in January 2022, joined the team the following summer and immediately managed to conquer everyone. His main characteristics are his dedication and humility: step by step, Federico Gatti has become a player who already now – after just over a year – is fundamental for the team on the pitch and the group off the pitch.

“His desire to improve is continuous, just as his progress is continuous: just think of his latest tests on the pitch, crowned first with the goal in the Derby and then with a great match at San Siro.

“And they are certainly not two cases: Gatti’s goals for Juventus are three, and since he played for Juventus, no Italian central defender from a team present in Serie A in the two seasons has scored more, considering all competitions.

“As for defensive value, in the same period, no Juventus defender was dribbled past on average fewer times than him (0.26 per game, 9 dribbles conceded in 34 games).

“So let’s enjoy the good news we started with Federico Gatti in Juventus until 2028!

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