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Jose Mourinho tells Manchester United fans favourite that he can leave the club to put Barcelona and Juventus on high aleart

Manchester United manager, Jose Mourinho has begun wielding the axe on some of his players ahead of a break or make summer.

The Portuguese tactician wants to win the Premier League next season and he has begun plans to get rid of any underperforming star on his team’s sheet and replace them with some of the best in the world.

However, one surprising player may be among those to depart Old Trafford this season and that person is none other than Anthony Martial.

Martial has found it hard to break into the Red Devils line up this season since the arrival of Alexis Sanchez. He is reported to have rejected a new Manchester United deal as he could not get assurances of more first-team engagement from Mourinho.

According to Sun Sport, rather than assure him that he would get more chances, Mourinho informed the 22-year old that he can leave Old Trafford after this season and the French man may not struggle to get new employers.

Per the reports, Juventus and Barcelona are prepared to battle out for his signature, while Bayern Munich also sees him as an ideal replacement for the ageing Franck Ribery.


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